1. Regularity and punctuality in attendance is always expected and for this the co-operation of the parents is must.
2. All- students must talk in English in the school campus as well as in school vehicles.
3. Students should come in proper school uniform in said school timings.
4. Students should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before the assembly. Soon after the assembly bell, the school gate will be locked and will be opened or the date comers only once after the assembly.
5. The school homework or any assignments should be duly completed by the student.
6. The leave of absence with prior permission from the Principal is must expected in cases of unforeseen circumstances.
7. No student will be allowed to leave school compound without written permission from the Principal / Vice-Principal.
8. Student should have at least 75% attendance to be promoted to the next class.
9. The parents/guardians are requested to inform the Principal/ Vice Principle if their child is suffering from any disease.
10. Report card will be issued to parents/guardians and not to the students.
11. Disciplinary actions will be taken to offenders damaging school property whatsoever the parents will have to bear the fine or the expenses of the damaged property.
12. The student should not bring valiable articles to school and for loss of such goods school will not be responsible.
13. Strict regularity, implicit obedience, honestly, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from every pupil.
14. Parents are welcome to the school but complaints can be made only to the Principal/Vice-Principle and not to the teachers.